Friday, April 13, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar....Nature's Finest!

Apple Cider Vinegar. Some hear it and say....Blech! My husband does ;) However, he holds his nose and gulps it down anyway. Apple Cider Vinegar. I hear it and think....Gimme!! Why? Because of the amazing natural health powers it holds. Now, if you know me, you most likely have heard me "preaching" about it at one time or another. "I have aches and pains in my joints"...."Oh yeah? Take Apple Cider Vinegar" Problem solved. "Ugh, I have a cough that just won't go away"..."You do? Down some Apple Cider Vinegar" Problem solved. "Oh dear, I just got bit by a spider and it won't stop itching"...."Oh my! Rub some ACV on that right away!" Problem solved. Seriously.
It all started back in mid October. I am a nanny. The child that I watch had a serious sinus infection and since little sick children need tons more love when they don't feel well, I gave more love without hesitation. But there was this little voice in the back of my mind asking...."What if I get sick? I hate medicine. Any kind of medicine. Antibiotics especially. Antibiotics cure sinus infections!?! No. That's not for me! What can I do? Preferrably, I'd like a natural cure." So, I got to researching and Apple Cider Vinegar seemed to be the most common and natural way to help with sinus infections, coughs, colds, etc. Bragg was the most referred name on the websites. Quickly, I downloaded the book, Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System by Paul C. Bragg and Patricia Bragg, and started reading. I learned a chock full of information on something that I wasn't even familiar with. There is even a website Apple Cider Vinegar  kills 99% of bacteria, 82% of common mold and 80% of germs and viruses, according to this book! What did I do? I went out and bought a bottle. I take 1 tablespoon every single morning with 4oz of natural apple juice and 4oz of NOT TAP water. This girl hasn't been sick since! No colds, no belly bugs, no nada! And I never even got that wicked sinus infection. Apple Cider Vinegar contains "mother enzymes" and minerals such as phosphorus, pectin, potassium, malic and tartaric acids "which are important in fighting body toxins and inhibiting unfriendly bacteria." The malic acid in ACV "relieves fungal and bacterial infections, as well as dissolves the uric acid deposits that form around your aching joints. Other benefits of ACV are the relief of constipation, headaches, arthritis, indigestion, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, as well as high blood pressure and heartburn symptoms." I recommend to anyone who dislikes the tastes and thoughts of taking medicine to read this book. It's an easy read, it's full of useful information and the authors don't preach like I do. I only sound "preachy" because I believe in it. I know first hand that it works. Well, it works for me anyway. I just want my family and friends to be healthy too :) Mind you, I AM NO DOCTOR in any way. I am simply sharing what works for me and what makes me happy. Getting sick does NOT make me happy! :) If you have tried it, let me know! I'd love to know what works, or doesn't work for people! Thanks for reading :)


  1. You have inspired me! I bought the e-book and wow! So, I went out and bought the ACV and can't wait to see some results!

  2. I have?? That's great!!! I love it and can't get enough. It takes a little time but you will see results! I was just thinking today that my allergies should be horrendous....and they're not even close! What allergies?? ;) Keep me posted on the results!
